
This activity was printmaking. Materials used were acrylic paint, jelly plates, stamps, stencils, and rollers. A requirement for this activity was to use at least two different colors per picture and three different patterns overall. The students learned about what a ghost print is and how to use one with the jelly plate. The flower on the far left was the ghost print. The middle was inspired by leaves seen on campus and the far right is a butterfly. The students also had to create an artist statement out of two sentences on a notecard in the middle of the page.

For an extension activity, the students could do shaving cream marbling on paper. Materials needed would be shaving cream, liquid color paint, dropper, stir stick, cardstock, scraper, and a big bowl to mix them. They would spray the shaving cream into the bowl or pan, then drop the paint into the cream using the dropper. After the paint is in the cream, they will use the stir stick to blend the paints together to create that marbled look. Then, they will dip the cardstock into the shaving cream and use the cardboard scraper to scrape off the excess. They are then left with their marbled painting.


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