
For the basketweaving activity, the students would weave their own baskets by using plastic cups and yarn. Materials needed include pre-cut plastic cups, yarn, and a sharpie. Each cup already had pre-cut spokes for the students to weave their yarn through. The sharpie is for them to write their initials on the bottom of the cup. As they begin to weave their yarn through the spokes, they must keep in mind that they are to use at least three different colors for their pattern. When they get to the end of their string, they just tie the end to a new color and weave the new string. They gradually work their way up the cup and tie off their strings on the inside of the cup.

For an extension activity, the students could maybe weave a placemat rather than a cup. A placemat could prove to be more useful when they bring them home. They would be able to use it on their tables at home whenever they eat.


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