My Footprint Introduction

For the first project, we created an introduction footprint. This footprint is supposed to encompass who you are as a person and your interests. A requirement for this project was to use at least three mediums. That could be paint, markers, colored pencils, pieces from magazines etc. Another requirement was to have images overlapping on the piece. My footprint includes my favorite flower, a chorus line from my favorite song "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel, my favorite baseball team and the bridge representing where I grew up. For an extension project, the classroom could create a name map. It would look like a spider web of sorts and on the parts that outstretch they'd put activities they enjoy or other things about themselves. After they had everything filled in they would be able to color it themselves and put their own creative touch on it. Creating a map can be a really fun visual activity for students and they get to see what their classmates have made when they p...